the project

About Flotilla

A ‘flotilla’ of sails will be raised up on tall masts, scattered across the North Somerset Levels, turning in the wind, constantly shifting appearance in the changing light. Looking out across the Levels, the sails will appear to float above the landscape as if raised up on an invisible sea. This project will happen in two phases.

the WIDER project

Flotilla is a temporary art project by Bristol based artist, Chris Bodle. It explores the past, present and future of the North Somerset Levels. The sails scattered across the landscape will evoke a time when this landscape was under water – and also suggest a possible future where rising sea levels could see sailboats traverse a new watery environment as Britain’s coastline is radically redrawn. The project aims to blend the physical presence of the sails, atmospheric effects and the imagination of the viewer to create new ways to experience this unique place.

Each mast and sail will be securely ‘planted’ in the ground and located so as to be accessible from public rights of way and minor roads. This will allow the sails to be experienced both from a distance, in combination, and up close as individual sculptural objects.

The masts will be designed so that the sails always turn into the wind. This will reduce wind loading and animate the structures – so that they are constantly in motion, presenting different aspects with the changing weather. Some masts will also act as flood markers with various past and potential future water-level scenarios marked along the length of the poles.

The project as a whole, aims to start conversations and encourage us to explore this special landscape. As part of ‘Flotilla’, a series of activities and events will run, involving local people in the design of the sails and discovering more about the themes raised.

Note: All the sails images on this site are visualisations, to give an impression of what the finished structures will look like. These will be replaced with actual photographs as the project develops

SUMMER/Autumn 2024

Phase One

Phase One will be about testing the idea. In this phase we will make one or more 12m high prototype sail structures that will be on display at a seafront park in Clevedon. The sails will be designed in consultation with structural engineers and other experts. Local artist, Sam Francis will also run free drop-in workshops involving members of the community in creating vivid designs for the sails. 

More about Phase One > 


Phase Two

In Phase Two, the plan is to install twenty or more sails next year across the Levels. The sail structures would be based on the prototype sail design developed in Phase One. The roll out of Phase Two will depend on gaining support from local communities during the engagement process in Phase One. The sails in Phase Two would be visible from surrounding hills as well as from vantage points across the levels themselves. 

More about Phase Two >